The Common Wire The Common Wire is a social news platform all about the open movement and the commons. Think of it as a mix between Hacker News and a community hub for openness enthusiasts. The mission: To create a space where people passionate about openness can share cool articles, news, funding opportunities, and projects.
django-dcat y Catálogo Social
django-dcat is a Django package that implements a model layer for the DCAT 3.0 specification. With it, I built Catálogo Social, a site to backup and reference open data portals from Argentina. is a private friendly app that will search and display all relevant articles in Wikipedia
that are geolocated around you. Link
ckan core developer
As a CKAN Core Developer, I'm constantly contributing to the CKAN codebase and it's ecosystem of plugins and extensions. Link
open data cordoba
Open Data Córdoba is a non-profit organization created to promote Open Data and Open Government standards. We also participate in Hackatons, events and develop Open Source applications to encourage Civic Hacking Link
Some of the projects done:
- Data Journalism and blogger at
- Organizer of several Hack(at)ONG
- Columnist at a Radio Show.
- Co-Creator of R en Córdoba and Encuentros Data Science meetups in Córdoba
- Participated in OECD Pilot Program: A territorial approach to the Sustainable Development Goals in Córdoba, Argentina
- Open Elections Program and activities.
- Speaker at dozens of conferences and meetups.
georefar is a R wrapper for Argentina's Geographical Data Standardization Service API (georef-ar). The package is Open Source and is available to install from it's github page.
Shiny App to keep track of personal Golf scores. Link
For more work you can check my Github or LinkedIn profile...